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Research focus: Energy and Sustainability Economics


Short Bio

Prof. Dr. Lin Zhang is a Professor in the School of Energy and Environment at the City University of Hong Kong, the Director of the Laboratory for Energy Economics and Environmental Management, a co-investigator at The Guy Carpenter Asia-Pacific Climate Impact Centre, a jointly appointed faculty at the Department of Public Policy, and a member of the Hong Kong Institute for Clean Energy (HKICE) and Laboratory for Public Management & Policy. He now serves as the editor for The Energy Journal and the associate editor for Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Springer Nature). He is also editing special issues for Energy Policy, and International Review of Financial Analysis. He is a council member of the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) and the regional representative of Asia-Oceania leaders in energy economics. He has also been the Hong Kong Convention Ambassador appointed by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (2023-2024).


His primary research focuses on energy and sustainability economics. In his ultimate pursuit of regional sustainable development, his work combines multiple tools, including economic theory, econometrics, computable general equilibrium modeling, applied machine learning techniques, and integrated interdisciplinary assessment methods to seek policy solutions to sustainability. He has also extended his research interests into issues related to business and urban sustainability. Lin Zhang is a committed, knowledgeable, and capable Professor. In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. 90% of Prof. Dr. Zhang’s work contributes to the following SDG(s): Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG7), Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG8), Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG9), Reduced Inequalities (SDG10), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG11), Responsible Consumption and Consumption (SDG12), Climate Action (SDG13), and Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG16).

Before joining the City University of Hong Kong faculty in 2016, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Center of Economic Research, ETH Zurich. He was also a researcher associated with the Energy Science Center, Simulation Lab, and the Competence Center for Research in Energy, Society, and Transition in Switzerland. He earned a Ph.D. in Economics from ETH Zurich and was awarded a prize (best doctoral thesis of the year) by the Swiss Association of Energy Economics for his Ph.D. work. He gained his MSc degree in economics and management from the same university. Dr. Zhang studied at Peking University, where he received two Bachelor's degrees: one in Mechanical Engineering (BEng) and another in Economics (BA).


He has supervised over 20 Ph.D. students, half of whom have been lecturers or senior scientists in universities and public sectors. He also supervised undergraduate and master students who have found jobs in the government sectors or received offers for further education in prestigious universities, including ETH Zurich, the University of Cambridge, and Peking University. 


张林博士,男,香港城市大学长聘副教授(终身教职)。博士生导师;曾任瑞士苏黎世联邦理工经济研究中心高级研究员,瑞士能源研究中心、数值模拟实验室顾问研究员。长期从事能源经济学、能源需求与效率、能源-环境-经济系统建模的研究工作,擅长运用经济学、运筹学、数理统计等多学科交叉的理论方法研究能源经济中的实际问题和相关政策。硕士师从国际著名能源经济建模专家GAMS/MPSGE创始人Thomas Rutherford教授,博士师从第13届欧洲资源与环境经济学会主席、联合国气候大会UNFCCC瑞士代表、瑞士科学院院士Lucas Bretschger教授,曾先后参与、主持多个瑞士联邦政府资助的国家级科研项目,以及瑞士能源社会与转型研究中心(SCCER CREST)、苏黎世联邦理工能源研究中心(ERC)、数值模拟实验室(Simulation lab)等委托的课题,在国际重要学术期刊发表学术论文,在数十个国际顶级学术会议上作研究报告。根据Social Science Research Network(SSRN,全球最大的社会科学领域工作论文开源数据库)统计,张林博士的工作论文连续三次(2019年1-3月)入围SSRN年下载排名前10%。根据斯坦福大学排名,张林博士位列世界前2%科学家之列 [5]


张林博士的创新成果有:发展了基于诺贝奖得主William Nordhaus和Paul Romer理论体系的能源-环境-内生经济增长系统模型;构建了中国能源需求随机前沿模型用于能源效率分析;以及可持续发展框架内的制度与技术约束。已获CICC碳中和全球征文优秀论文奖(2021)、香港工程师协会(HKIE)优秀论文奖(2021)、香港杰出青年学者计划(2017/18)[1] [2],瑞士能源经济协会优秀博士论文奖(2015)[3]、世界环境与资源经济学大会奖金(2014)、中国国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(2013)[4],两次入选全球青年经济学家(全球约500人)参与诺贝尔经济学奖林岛会议(2011,2014),多次获苏黎世联邦理工大学奖学金。获邀担任青年经济学家春季论坛评审委员(2016),多个国际学术会议(SURED 2012,2014; EAERE 2016)的组委会成员,Frontiers in Environmental Science (Impact factor: 5.411), Frontiers in Energy Research (Impact factor: 3.858)等学术期刊副主编,并长期担任多个国际重要学术期刊(如Nature Energy,JEEM, The Energy Journal等)的匿名评审人,同时受邀成为欧美多个学校的博士论文外审专家。

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

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